
Zobrazují se příspěvky z únor, 2023

Email marketing

  Email marketing What is email marketing? Email marketing is a form of digital marketing designed to make your customers aware of your product or service. It is a great tool to use when promoting new items.  Why is email marketing important? Email marketing can help you with multiple goals you might want to achieve. It can help you build relationships with your customers, drive traffic to your social media or website.  Advantages of email marketing: Email marketing is cost and time effective and can be customised to yours and your customers needs. You can easily monitor, measure and study your campaign.  Best practices of email marketing: Here is couple of examples of email marketing practices I have picked out for you: A/B testing  A/B testing, also called split testing, is a comparison of an email that works better for a chosen audience. It is important to focus on elements you are testing - subject lines, promotions, CTA (call to action), social media sharin...